Difference between Coaching & Therapy
Therapy, also known as counselling or psychotherapy, is a longer-term process in which they can help identify causes of symptoms, resolve problematic beliefs, behaviours, relationship issues, feelings. The idea behind therapy is to change self-destructive habits, repair and improve relationships and work through painful feelings. With a coach they take the client’s current situation as an acceptable neutral starting point and is action-based from that point onward. The coach enables the person to take action of their life to help steer them towards their goals. You may find that just a little help and guidance is all that's necessary to set you off in the right direction and a coach would help.
When is it best to get Therapy
If an issue causes distress or interferes with daily life, it can be persistent negative thoughts, feelings, behaviours. It may be best to seek therapy if you are often unhappy or feel overwhelmed and hopeless about issues in your life. People may avoid treatment, because they feel shame about speaking about the past or worried about the stigma of seeing a therapist, or not wanting to acknowledge that something is wrong.
online therapy
What to expect during Therapy
The first session often focuses on collecting information to get an understanding of their past physical, mental, and emotional health. They also discuss the concerns the person brings to therapy; it can take a few sessions to get an understanding of the situation. During the first session you decide if the therapist’s style is a good fit for your needs. Finding a therapist you are comfortable with is vital for success.
What is Business Coaching
Whether you are wanting help to move in the right direction, starting a business, or as a leader. Your coach will get to know you and your needs and guide you to help achieve results. With more coaching you’ll have a partner working with you throughout your personal journey, sharing your successes, uncovering and breaking any limitations that hold you back, pushing you to achieve greater results.
What to expect with Business Coaching
online coach
When working with a business coach they can help you clarify your personal and professional goals. They can see the wood from the trees, helping you focus and prioritise. With experience in leadership and business, the coach can develop your leadership potential, gain new skills and confidence. It’s like having your own personal tutor at school or university to help you achieve results.
Benefits of working with a Business Coach
Having a coach makes it easier for you to achieve your goals, in addition they help push you along the way to get better and better. Many successful people have benefited by having a coach that is right for them. Research shows from clients surveyed that over 70% reported improved work performance and communication skills. There was also an increase in self-awareness reported, an important soft-skill needed in building your network.